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Members Only Articles

  • 18 Oct 2017 by Calvin Lakhan

    The OWMA has responded to the Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) consultation opportunity relative to the Discussion Document on Proposed Regulatory Changes and Administrative and Compliance Costs for Business (find here). The association is supportive of consolidating the three regulations into one. While the document and proposed regulatory approaches(find here) are largely conceptual in nature a cursory review also has identified specific concerns with the proposed five year data retention period, Expansion of captured materials, costs and coordination of electronic document requirements between the regulation and provincial regulations.

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  • 18 Oct 2017 by Calvin Lakhan

    Meeting Reminder: Developing the Amended Blue Box Program Plan - In Discussion with the Ontario Waste Management Industry

    As current subcontractors to Ontario local governments and as future collection subcontractors and post-collection processors of collected residential recycling, your feedback and suggestions are essential as we develop a proposal for an amended Blue Box Program Plan (a-BBPP).

    If you haven't yet registered and would like to attend the consultation meeting on Friday, October 27, to review and discuss proposed a-BBPP features that will specifically pertain to the waste management industry, please register here.

    The October 27 meeting will be an opportunity for us to gather your initial feedback and discuss:

    • Requirements from the Minister's Letter that will be of special interest to waste management companies and details about the consultation process.
    • The proposed transition process and timelines, including Stewardship Ontario's proposed methods to ensure a fair competitive market.
    • The proposed criteria for setting a standardized list of targeted materials for collection.
    • The proposed material specific management targets, along with the proposed measurement approach.
    • The proposed approach to expanding services, including multi-family buildings not currently serviced by municipalities, and consideration of new communities and public space recycling.
    • The proposed collection and management standards.
    • And more ...

    Date: Friday, October 27, 2017

    10:00 - 12:30 p.m. Eastern
    9:00 - 11:30 a.m. Central


    Online via webcast or in-person at the Best Western PLUS Toronto Airport, 5825 Dixie Road, Mississauga, ON L4W 4V7.


    For more information on the a-BBPP initiative, click here. If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer James at


    Kind regards,

    Stewardship Ontario

  • 18 Oct 2017 by Calvin Lakhan

    The OWMA has responded to the Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) consultation opportunity relative to the Discussion Document on Proposed Regulatory Changes and Administrative and Compliance Costs for Business (find here). The association is supportive of consolidating the three regulations into one. While the document and proposed regulatory approaches(find here) are largely conceptual in nature a cursory review also has identified specific concerns with the proposed five year data retention period, Expansion of captured materials, costs and coordination of electronic document requirements between the regulation and provincial regulations.

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  • 04 Oct 2017 by Calvin Lakhan

    oday, the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario released ‘Beyond the Blue Box: Ontario's Fresh Start on Waste Diversion and the Circular Economy’, a Special Report to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario.

    The ECO states that Ontario has a waste problem. Every year, Ontario produces nearly one tonne of waste per person, and three-quarters of this waste ends up in landfills. The government’s new Waste-Free Ontario Act and Strategy for a Waste-Free Ontario set an ambitious goal of a circular economy that sends zero waste to landfill.

    Beyond the Blue Box acknowledges that Ontario’s new law and strategy are a significant achievement, but calls on government to get serious about making it work. The first steps: get food waste (organics) out of landfills and get businesses to pull their weight.

    Ontario is rightfully proud of the Blue Box, which recycles paper and packaging from homes. But the Blue Box diverts less than 8% of Ontario’s total waste. For real impact, the province needs action on other significant waste streams – organics and industrial, commercial and institutional (IC&I) wastes – that have been ignored for far too long.

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